Linda Torczon has been involved in a variety of activities intended to increase the number of women and underrepresented minorities entering mathematics and science related fields, particularly the field of computational science and engineering. With Ken Kennedy and Richard Tapia, she initiated several CRPC outreach activities, including the CRPC GirlTECH program and the Girl Games effort. She has made presentations to students in many programs programs that encourage high school and middle school girls to pursue technical careers, She has made many presentations to K-12 teachers in training programs at Rice. She served on the Shared Decision Making Team of The Rice School/La Escuela Rice, a Houston Independent School District K-8 laboratory school. Finally, as tutorial chair for the ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation, she directed an NSF-funded tutorial program that brought faculty members from undergraduate institutions, particularly women’s colleges and institutions with large minority enrollments, to the conference and tutorials.